7 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day, Every Day With Sustainable Living Ideas

Rays of sun filtering through the leafy branches of a tree with buttress roots

Since 1970, April 22 has marked the celebration of Earth Day. Set to coincide with Arbor Day — a day dedicated to planting trees — Earth Day was initiated as a way to bring together the various groups that were working on environmental issues and create a day focused on putting sustainable living ideas into action. 

Whether you’re reading this article ahead of Earth Day or simply want to do your bit to help the planet, here are our top seven sustainable living tips for celebrating Earth Day, every day.!

Sustainable Living Tip #1: Get Out in Nature

Sustainable living ideas start with a love for nature and a desire to protect it. But you can’t love nature if you spend all of your time indoors. As the Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu said, “Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things.”

The single best thing you can do to help this earth flourish is to go outside and take a walk, visit a national park, adopt an area as your own, and really get to know it. As the seasons pass and the landscape changes, you will become much more attuned to the cycles of nature and find that you start caring more about the local environment as well.

Two deer in a yard
Deer Visit the Faerie’s Dance Warehouse

Sustainable Living Tip #2: Watch Wildlife

The second tip on our list of sustainable living ideas is an easy way to derive even more benefit from your time in nature. Whether you choose a kind of animal to watch (birds, insects, etc.) or simply wait and see what crosses your path, spend some of your time in nature simply staying still and watching. 

When you go outside, take a bird-identification book with you or make a sketch to look up when you get home. As you learn to recognize several species, you could even keep a log of the wildlife that you see on your wanderings. These logs provide valuable information about the wildlife in your area and how the numbers change over time. If you would like to promote sustainable living ideas in your community, you could volunteer with a conservation group that documents wildlife sightings for the purpose of advocacy and planning.

A row of rainbow colored trash cans on a curb.

Sustainable Living Tip #3: Pick Up Trash

Ultimately, spending time in nature will open your eyes to the impact that humans have on the environment. For some, sustainable living ideas might mean taking a bag and pair of gloves to pick up trash in your local area. For others, it could mean taking shorter showers, turning off the lights at home, and only printing things out when you really need to. 

Every action counts, and not just because of the cumulative effect that enacting many sustainable living tips can have over months and years. Each action you take is also serving as a reminder to live lightly and thoughtfully — and that has benefits for your own well-being as well as your relationships with others!

Sustainable Living Tip #4: Plant a Tree

Seeing as Earth Day falls on the same date as Arbor Day, what better excuse to plant a tree? Trees provide oxygen, shade, soil stability, habitat, and can transform a barren area into a lush retreat. Whether you have a yard of your own or only a small balcony, adding trees of any size to your space will improve the air quality and can even lower the ambient temperature. It can also provide important nourishment for local insects, including bee populations and other important pollinator species.

Make sure to see these sustainable living ideas through by caring for your trees until they are well established. Planting a tree is one thing, but you will also need to water, mulch, prune, and fertilize each tree at the right time to help them grow healthy and strong.

A green garden with birdhouses in the background.

Sustainable Living Tip #5: Grow a Garden

Food transportation accounts for around 11% of our carbon footprint, and the actual production of that food accounts for 83%. If you’re looking for sustainable living ideas to help the planet, growing a garden is a fantastic thing to do. By growing some of your own produce, you are cutting your food miles to essentially zero, and you will be eating pesticide-free, seasonal produce. Besides, who doesn’t love the taste of a homegrown tomato? Yum!

Sustainable Living Tip #6: Green Your Diet

Those of us who don’t have a balcony or the time to care for a home garden can make a difference with sustainable living ideas like shopping organic, seasonal produce and reducing the amount of red meat that we include in our diets.

According to experts, high-meat diets produce 3.3 tons of CO2 emissions per year compared to 2.5 tons for an average diet, 1.9 for white meat only, 1.7 for vegetarians, and 1.5 for vegans. By switching from red meat to free-range chicken and fish, you can lower your food emissions by nearly a third overnight. By going from meat-loving to vegetarian, your food-print is slashed almost in half!

A pile of eco-friendly clothing

Sustainable Living Tip #7: Choose Conscious Consumption

Everyone needs to buy things in order to live, and there are very few people who don’t love a bit of retail therapy! Enjoy the fun without the harm by implementing sustainable living ideas into your shopping habits. Here are a few sustainable living tips for the conscious shopper:

Be Inspired at Faerie’s Dance

Whether you’re looking for sustainable living ideas or wanting to browse cute, eco-friendly clothing, you can find endless inspiration at Faerie’s Dance. We go to great lengths to source the most socially and environmentally responsible clothing, ethical lingerie, jewelry, and eco-friendly accessories and offer each item to our customers at less than the recommended retail price.

Browse our collections this Earth Day and enjoy knowing that by following these sustainable living tips and purchasing ethical, eco-friendly items, you’ll be doing something great for the planet we all share!

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